Friday, October 6, 2017

Meet Buster! An awesome, strong, sweet cat with PERSONALITY!

UPDATE: Buster has found his Furrever home. Thank you so much to Jeanne, who fed him for the last few years, and Jim at the Homeless Cat Network for getting him fixed, and for Jenny, for being the most wonderful cat guardian a person could have ever dreamed of finding. It took us 9 months to find you, but you were well worth the wait!!!

Meet Buster.

I first met Buster about 8 months ago my landlady, who is also a family, friend, told me about this cat that was hanging out at a property in Palo Alto, that her friend was working at.

Buster would hang out with a few different cats there, so he had a few buddies. But then 2 of them were re claimed by their owner, and Buster was all alone.

My landlady really liked this cat a lot, so she fed him every day. I could see why she liked him, he has a lot of personality and is super sweet and purrs a lot when you pet him!

There were construction workers going in to do work on the house where Buster hung out, so my landlady asked if I could keep him at my house. I agreed, and he's been hanging out at my house for the last 4 months.

But he's lonely. I think he misses his friend that he used to hang out with.

Originally, my landlady and I wanted to keep him, but there's a little problem... he has a tendency to chase after my one female, cat, Nixie.  He's done it twice, and when I caught him doing it the second time, I realized, ok, this is not going to work.

It's a bummer he did that because like I said, I REALLY LIKE Buster. He's very sweet and purrs a lot and he also meows a good amount. He has the same personality as the best cat I ever had, Blabla (who passed away from Kidney failure in 2015). But he is even stronger than Blabla. He has very strong paws and is really muscular.

I took him into 9 Lives to see if he had a microchip, and he did, but the number is disconnected and I can't find any posts of someone looking for him (craigslist, pawboost, lostmykitty, etc.) so I called the Marin Humane society (where he was adopted from) and filled out a form saying I had him. I have a feeling he was just abandoned, for whatever reason. Maybe because he meows, I don't know. But, like I said, I REALLY like this cat and wanted to keep him, but I just cannot do so if he's going to chase after my female cat (and I didn't mention I already have 4). He doesn't mess with any of the male cats. I do realize, there is a chance he may not be neutered but it would surprise me, given that he was adopted from an animal shelter. So maybe he just has a crush on my female cat, I don't know. She is very pretty : )

I think Buster would be perfect for someone who wanted two cats, and was interested in adopting another small male cat, maybe a kitten.  He seems like he'd be the type to "mother" a younger cat, or be like a mentor to it. That's how my cat Blabla was. Blabla made me "a cat person" because he had very sweet, yet almost dog-like personality. He wasn't like a regular, finicky, snooty kind of cat.  He just has a really easy going vibe and seems to look out for other cats.

(Update 11-21-17: I just took Buster in for a vet checkup and I was told he is about 5 years old, very healthy, FIV and FeLV Negative, and he just got his distemper shot) : )

I could see Buster being a great match for someone in a situation where it was like.... say there was a guy with a girlfriend with a lonely younger cat who needed a companion, and the guy wanted to make his girlfriend or wife happy, by getting another cat, but he was resistant to being the husband or boyfriend of the crazy cat lady, or doesn't want to surrender to "the crazy cat person" lifestyle, and would prefer a cat that was more like getting a dog.

I have not taken him in for a checkup as of yet, so I don't know anything about his health, but he looks pretty darn healthy. I've probably been feeding him a little too much... he's gotten a little chunky since I've had him, and I feel bad because I know he's lonely in the room he's been staying in. I have been super busy and haven't had nearly as much time to give him, as he deserves.

I have done lots of volunteer work for the Homeless Cat Network and other rescue organizations and will probably have him officially adopted through one of these networks so it's all "official." They can take care of the spay/neuter aspect if he needs it, and it is included in the adoption fee (which I believe is $125).

Please let me know if you're interested in meeting Buster. You can call me at 650-735-1599. If I don't answer it's because I'm working, but just leave me a message and I'll call you back. I also plan to do a craigslist post, so you can email me through there. 

He likes to give sweet little "love bites" to my hand when I pet him a lot and he gets in a lovey mood.  They are completely affectionate, and he's never "bit me" in a way where I was upset, though I do try to discourage him a bit from doing this because I can see how some people would take it the wrong way. I just think it's cute. 

Please note that HCN can be really picky, which is a good thing, so if you do want to adopt this guy it will be a formal type adoption, where the cat ladies would ask you questions and come do a home visit, etc., just to make sure he's going to a good place where someone can properly care for him. They want to know is that you're a good person who will do your best to give him a lot of love. 

You can see some more pics and videos below...

I guess I should have known better than to leave a whole package of catnip on the hamper.... he busted it open all right. 

 Buster let out a really cute squeaky meow recently. It usually doesn't sound this high pitched.  But I just thought it was so cute, I had to get it on video. 


Buster likes to sit on my lap while I work on my laptop, though the spot is usually reserved for my other cat, Bert.  I would love to find Buster a home where he could cozy up to someone who was available to spend time with him a lot more than I can. 

He is very good about using the litter box!


Love those big paws!

Update 11/21: Here are a few more recent photos and videos of Buster.

He knows his name!

Again, please call me if you're interested in meeting Buster! If you love big cats, you will love this guy : )



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